Suite 2-200 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns, QLD 4870

(07) 4041 5770 | (07) 4041 5880

What can be done about Facial Veins, Leg Veins and other Vascular Lesions?

Do you see red veins on the face or body that you would like to get rid of? Maybe you have red dots that you would prefer to have gone. These are all types of vascular lesions that we can treat for you in the clinic.

Removing facial veins and spider veins on the legs are common requests from out patients. We can do this easily with either a laser or our IPL. We can also treat other forms of vascular marks on the skin- cherry angiomas and hemangiomas (which look like small red dots, common on the trunk), venous lakes and even birthmarks.

We will assess the type of vascular lesion you have and then decide what treatment will be the best for you. You may need follow up treatments to get full clearance. We get great results using our lasers or IPL to fade and remove these marks. If you have any veins on the face or body that you would like to get removed, or any other vascular concern, please schedule a consultation to see what we can do for you. Treatments are quick and effective.

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